Hybrid Toyota Succeed. Who, if not she?
The Probox / Succeed family has a hybrid version. For some reason, Toyota itself, the leading figure of hybridization of vehicles, has not yet had a hybrid cargo-working "workhorse". Today,…

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1987 Nissan Skyline R31. From the Quartet to the G8
Was the Skyline R31 revolutionary? Rather, it was the result of evolution - technical, marketing. As we remember, in the late 60s Nissan successfully entered motor racing, and with it…

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What happens to recycled cars?
In our country, cars "die" slowly. The average global share of the fleet disposal is 6–7% per year. And in Russia, this figure is significantly lower - 2.5%. The reason…

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everyone wins

What happens to recycled cars?

In our country, cars “die” slowly. The average global share of the fleet disposal is 6–7% per year. And in Russia, this figure is significantly lower – 2.5%. The reason is obvious – there is no money from the people, so the old one is patched up.

Every year, millions of cars accumulate in the world that will not return to the roads, and something needs to be done with these cars. Continue reading

Total and Citroen: to win across continents
London-Sydney '1968 As soon as Citroen and Total signed an agreement on commercial and technological partnership in 1968, they had to pass an aptitude test in the same way as…


CEO of Mercedes-Benz Ukraine Yaroslav Prigara: the premium is always restored quickly
In 2017, a 802.11 new passenger car was sold in Ukraine, the market grew by 24.5%. Did your forecasts for 2017 come true and what is the forecast for this…
