Total and Citroen: half a century at the peak
In September 1968, Total and Citroen signed an agreement on commercial and technological partnership, which includes the joint development of the full range of technical fluids - from engine and…

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Who is “more premium”: Camry, “six” or Optima?
In the last decade, the word “premium” has become very fashionable among manufacturers of various goods. It was even adopted by those brands that, it would seem, are not focused…

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Mercedes-Benz Star Roadshow Experience: a show with stars
As a rule, the last day of summer is a sad holiday. But not this year. As if in a hurry to acquaint us with the novelties of the autumn…

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show documents on it and a civilian

What happens to recycled cars?

In our country, cars “die” slowly. The average global share of the fleet disposal is 6–7% per year. And in Russia, this figure is significantly lower – 2.5%. The reason is obvious – there is no money from the people, so the old one is patched up.

Every year, millions of cars accumulate in the world that will not return to the roads, and something needs to be done with these cars. Continue reading

Which is better: chip tuning with “mechanics” or “automatic”?
How quickly kilometers fly! Our editorial Renault Kaptur is definitely not the kind of car that is bored. More than a third run at the wheel I spent. I managed…


Toyota RAV4 regains individuality
Toyota RAV4 was originally a cheeky "upstart", but as generations moved, it moved towards the mainstream. Step by step, she took over the bland character that was so typical of…
