Or maybe I, too, take an American?
To take or not to take, that is the question …
Surely you or your friends have already thought about buying a car from American auctions. After all, the offer is very tempting, given the opportunity to save up to 60 percent of the cost of the counterpart from the salon on the purchase. But in this matter, as in other related to the car market, there are some nuances that you need to know before plunging into it with your head. We offer to get acquainted with the key points, namely:
Where and how to bid?
How to send a car from America to his beloved?
How is the registration in Ukraine?
Where and how to bid
Experts identify 4 sites where dealers and car enthusiasts can compete for the lot they are interested in. It:
Insurance Auto Auctions, Inc. (IAAI)
Moreover, in the last two can take part only persons with special accreditation or special license. However, it is not necessary for you to participate directly, it can be your representatives or people who have received the same accreditation / license. We will now look at the Copart option.
All cars presented at the auction have already passed a preliminary inspection of local specialists and received some characteristic. Most of the lots are exhibited from insurance companies, because the car has some kind of malfunction or was in an accident. This is a specific feature of the US car market. In the country of ships, insurance companies work on a completely different, top-level and drivers do not have to engage in selling their cars with mileage or after an accident, this is all the insurers care. And because the description contains information such as: type of damage, whether the car starts or not, mileage, etc. Even if you do not want to involve third-party personalities, there must be someone (preferably an auto mechanic) who can drive up to the parking lot and inspect the car for the presence of secondary damage, BC errors, defects in the cabin, and so on. All parking is in the public domain and everyone can access it. It is not uncommon for a car to be re-put up for auction a month later. This is the work of local bribes, who with minimal investment restore the car and drain the frank disgrace under the beautiful wrapper. To avoid this, we advise to google the iron horse by VIN-number. If it has already been put up for auction, you will see old lots that are no longer relevant, but very important for us.
Thus, we conclude that we need help from a local. Fortunately, now there are no problems with this, and there are many Shipping companies that will inspect and send us a car for a fee. Depending on the rating and authority, the price of services rises. And so we smoothly approached the second point …
How to send a car from America to his beloved
Based on our conclusion, we need services to evaluate and transport one of the local companies. The process itself is all about the same and looks like this:
The driver of the company arrives at the dealership site, loads the car on the truck and signs with the dealer an acceptance certificate for the vehicle. The car is delivered to the company’s warehouse within 1-7 business days (transit time depends on which State you need to pick up the car and to which port of departure it will be delivered);
The container is delivered to the warehouse and the procedure for loading the car into the container is carried out in accordance with all the rules of sea transportation. The container is sealed and transferred to the port for shipment by the nearest vessel;
After the ship leaves the container, the documents for the car (TITLE / MSO) are transferred to the US Customs Service for export clearance (the clearance period is 7-15 days). After passing through all customs procedures, originals of TITLE / MSO and other accompanying documents are sent to us by express mail;
We receive a container with a car at the port of arrival (Odessa) on the basis of shipping documents.
And here is a car in Ukraine, and in order to continue to interact with it, it is necessary to clear it. But on this journey of our “Swallows” does not end. After all, we need to send a car with all the documents to the city where we will bring it in perfect condition and in the future playing checkers on the highway, overtaking everyone to become the first at the traffic lights with the thought: “Now I know what I will show off at a meeting of classmates.” At this stage, it is desirable to use the services of a tow truck, which will bring us our “Movable-real estate”.
Next, you need to bring the car in good condition. This you can do with your father in the garage, well, or just on the service in which you are sure. It would seem, why? If the car is on the move, then you can ride while driving and, in general, you do not need a tow truck, so we’ll get it. Here you act at your own risk. For some time, you can drive (if the car allows) simply with a package of documents and without numbers, but when stopped by valiant employees of representatives of the law.