Toyota GR Supra's first test drive: the show begins!
Above the whole crowd stands a huge new Kia Telluride, which seems to weigh as much as 14 Kia ​​Forte (in Russia this model is known as Cerato - comment…

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Peugeot Citroen Ukraine: 22 new four brands
Although last year the domestic market sank somewhat (86613 against 87634 units), for the French it ended on a positive note. Never before has the PSA Groupe market share been…

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Unusually delicious. The first test all-wheel drive Mazda 3
I'll give you a little advice: if you are going to buy a “premium” all-wheel drive golf class sedan like the Audi A3 Quattro and Mercedes CLA250 4Matic, do not…

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already starting

Which is better: chip tuning with “mechanics” or “automatic”?

How quickly kilometers fly! Our editorial Renault Kaptur is definitely not the kind of car that is bored. More than a third run at the wheel I spent. I managed to fall in love with him several times and hate him with all my heart. Useless chip tuning, which we described in the last blog entry, only aggravated the already contradictory feelings. Continue reading

What happens to recycled cars?

In our country, cars “die” slowly. The average global share of the fleet disposal is 6–7% per year. And in Russia, this figure is significantly lower – 2.5%. The reason is obvious – there is no money from the people, so the old one is patched up.

Every year, millions of cars accumulate in the world that will not return to the roads, and something needs to be done with these cars. Continue reading

Test drive Haval F7. Are Chinese cars starting to catch up with smartphones?

Cars from the new F series, in contrast to the models with the H index, are aimed at a young audience that values ​​modern technologies. Actually, the letter F, according to the idea of ​​the creators, is decoded as Future, Fashion and Fun – that is, “future”, “style” and “pleasure”. A crossover body design should emphasize this feeling, because it looks like … Continue reading

Toyota RAV4 regains individuality
Toyota RAV4 was originally a cheeky "upstart", but as generations moved, it moved towards the mainstream. Step by step, she took over the bland character that was so typical of…


How much does the car lose in price with age
Any car in the course of operation tends to lose its price, and this indicator will differ significantly for different cars. Choosing a new car, we often do not think…
