Toyota RAV4 regains individuality
Toyota RAV4 was originally a cheeky "upstart", but as generations moved, it moved towards the mainstream. Step by step, she took over the bland character that was so typical of…

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CEO of Mercedes-Benz Ukraine Yaroslav Prigara: the premium is always restored quickly
In 2017, a 802.11 new passenger car was sold in Ukraine, the market grew by 24.5%. Did your forecasts for 2017 come true and what is the forecast for this…

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Is it time to sell a Ford? Or buy?
This spring, Ford announced that it would soon stop selling cars in Russia and close two of its three Russian plants. The remaining enterprise in Elabuga will produce only commercial…

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which was the main goal

Total and Citroen: to win across continents

London-Sydney ‘1968

As soon as Citroen and Total signed an agreement on commercial and technological partnership in 1968, they had to pass an aptitude test in the same way as an external participant. A little earlier, two British publications offered to hold the automobile “Olympic Games” once in four years – transcontinental marathons. Continue reading

Total and Citroen: 50 years on top

Both first and second, Total and Citroen are famous for their triumphs in rally, raids and marathons – that is, away from the autodromes with ideally smooth asphalt and where cars that are technically close to serial ones compete. But there were in the history of cooperation between the two brands and formula series, the first of which was F-Bleue. Continue reading

Who is “more premium”: Camry, “six” or Optima?
In the last decade, the word “premium” has become very fashionable among manufacturers of various goods. It was even adopted by those brands that, it would seem, are not focused…


Is it time to sell a Ford? Or buy?
This spring, Ford announced that it would soon stop selling cars in Russia and close two of its three Russian plants. The remaining enterprise in Elabuga will produce only commercial…
