Anarchist. We are testing a homemade “Lambo” come from the USSR
The creator of this car, Sochi Evgeniy Titsev, gave her the name “Self-race” … In the USSR, an ordinary person simply had no other way to get a sports car, except to build with his own hands. We have already talked about how the movement of home-craftsmen originated in the Union and what amazing structures were driving our roads at that time.But one thing is to look at the archived footage and read the memories of old-timers, and the other is to get acquainted with such a machine live. Especially since the history of this project is not over yet.
The current owner, Yuri, calls the yellow device “Lambojiga”. He has an unusual hobby – he collects and “pumps” homemade. In his collection there are already three such cars from the times of the USSR, one more interesting. This one was bought in Sochi for 110,000 rubles. After three years of inactivity, he, under his own power, breaking down the road, still hobbled to Peter.
In his documents indicated: body number is missing. There is only the engine number. But PTS and STS are crystal fair, the designer received the car in 1992 legally, according to all the rules. So – walk, ragged, tune in all the cracks, do an understatement, put what you want the engine and wheels of any size. Not one inspector will say a word. Only a selfie for memory will make and wish you a happy journey. But you will not hear him. Soundproofing inside the “yellow devil” is not the word at all.
Which way on your car opens the hood? Most likely it’s boring – on my own, for the sake of pedestrian safety, or in the opposite direction, if you have old stuff like VAZ classics or BMW E34. Homemade show off here. The small hood lid flips to the side, and inside – the carburetor “four” from the “penny” with a capacity of 59 hp.
“Have you lived a good life?” Yuri asks me before the trip. Jokes jokes, but still getting a little uncomfortable. Do not fall apart on the road? Think again and escape was a chance.
Starting a homemade product turned out to be a problem, the starter’s retractor relay – on the last gasp. But finally the engine came to life. Chadya exhaust and thundering gut, he does not even hint, but screams that he be left alone.
Be patient, old man, soon swap.
And he suffers and carries, although for a long time nothing is obliged to anyone! It clutches the clutch, in a 5-speed box the gears constantly fly out, but this stubborn bucket with bolts can even accelerate to 120 km / h even in death agony. And this is not the limit. The creator of the car claimed that it reached 140 km / h on the speedometer. Honor and praise to the daredevil, but further it becomes frankly scary to gain momentum. There are enough impressions and so. The noise of the wind, the roar of the engine, the howl of the transmission and the stunning stick in the corners. Although the persistent feeling that this turn will definitely be the last, does not leave me for a second. The huge thin steering wheel is heavy and conveys little what happens to the wheels. And the weight is only 800 kg, which is 150 kg less than that of the donor “penny”. Add here a low center of gravity, close to the ideal weight distribution, and get a very exciting way to get even with it.
A homemade man from Sochi, Evgeny Titsev, began building this car in 1989. Then he went to the wagon VAZ-2102 and dreamed of a sports car. A savvy head on the shoulders, hands growing from the right place, and Porsche as one of the spiritual and technical landmarks are excellent starting positions. The end result is nothing like the Porsche (and the relationship with the Lamborghini can only be talked about in jest), but the original sources of inspiration are, of course, the iconic European sport coupe.
Being a talented shipbuilder who created a lot of fast boats, Eugene made a sports car, using elements of the technology familiar to him. Made the matrix, welded the frame of steel pipes and began to sculpt the body of fiberglass.
It took two years to build, Eugene did everything himself. The main principle of the project was maximum simplicity and maintainability. Therefore, the chassis and the engine are taken from the VAZ “classics”, the steering shaft and taillights are from the Serbian “Outpost”. Front and rear windows are made on the basis of glass from the “Volga”. Yes, as they are made, they are cut out with a “diamond grinder” with a diamond wheel. Only at the final stage the graduate of the Moscow “Baumanka” joined the project. Having considered the construction from an engineering point of view, he marveled at the talent of Sochi self-taught. No changes were required.
In 1991, Eugene was already driving to the traffic police for registration. By its appearance on the road, an unidentifiable object immediately caused a regional scale disturbance. Traffic cops stopped homemade at least fifteen times.
The registration process took almost a year, but Eugene was in no hurry.
The fan on the front panel looks ridiculous, but it is an urgent need for a car in the southern region.
One of the most important changes that have occurred with cars during this period is the change of color. From the garage “Self-race” drove gray, and its low small body just merged with the asphalt. Fearing that he would not be noticed and would be simply crushed by hot Sochi drivers, Eugene repainted the homemade product in yellow.