Or maybe I, too, take an American?
To take or not to take, that is the question ... Surely you or your friends have already thought about buying a car from American auctions. After all, the offer…

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Test drive Haval F7. Are Chinese cars starting to catch up with smartphones?
Cars from the new F series, in contrast to the models with the H index, are aimed at a young audience that values ​​modern technologies. Actually, the letter F, according…

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Over 2 million for a hot hatch from Hyundai. Is it a lot or a little?
Where are you, those happy times, when the Russian buyer was offered a whole scattering of powerful and fast hatchbacks of a golf class for every taste and color? Irrevocably…

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“Sport” for a million: Vesta Sport vs Toyota GT86 and Turbo-Rapid

For those who remember Grant for 230,000 rubles in 2011, the idea of ​​giving one million rubles for Vesta seems wild, of course. As well as those who prefer something fairly second-hand, but foreign. Nevertheless, it must be admitted that in the market as a whole, this is quite an adequate price for a 145-strong car with an impressive list of near-sports improvements. Continue reading

Peugeot Citroen Ukraine: 22 new four brands
Although last year the domestic market sank somewhat (86613 against 87634 units), for the French it ended on a positive note. Never before has the PSA Groupe market share been…


1993 Toyota Camry Retrotest
Three years ago, Mikhail was a naive student, carelessly rolling the miracle of the French car industry Renault Clio in a relatively fresh state - the "five-year plan." True, "naked"…
