Convertible in Russia: is there any point? Yes!
Did you know that you can become the owner of a convertible for 40,000 rubles? For this amount you can buy GA3-69, old, rusty, but on the go and most…

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Or maybe I, too, take an American?
To take or not to take, that is the question ... Surely you or your friends have already thought about buying a car from American auctions. After all, the offer…

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RR top manager Frank Timann: we combined 4x4 with luxury architecture
Her Majesty's subjects love their heritage, their history and traditions. And multiply them to the best of their abilities and capabilities. A spring visit to the capital of Frank Timann,…

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“Sport” for a million: Vesta Sport vs Toyota GT86 and Turbo-Rapid

For those who remember Grant for 230,000 rubles in 2011, the idea of ​​giving one million rubles for Vesta seems wild, of course. As well as those who prefer something fairly second-hand, but foreign. Nevertheless, it must be admitted that in the market as a whole, this is quite an adequate price for a 145-strong car with an impressive list of near-sports improvements. Continue reading

The first test drive Jeep Gladiator. Yes, we liked him
Jeep has a rich history of pickups. The company introduced the model with such a body under the name Willys-Overland Pickup back in 1947. In 1957, the Jeep Forward Control…


Direct competitors: Kia Rio and Hyundai Solaris which is better to choose?
The Kia Rio hatchback and sedan have been produced since 1999, at the moment this car has already undergone four profound upgrades, the latter was carried out in 2017. Between…
