Is it time to sell a Ford? Or buy?
This spring, Ford announced that it would soon stop selling cars in Russia and close two of its three Russian plants. The remaining enterprise in Elabuga will produce only commercial…

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10 facts about Toyota in Dakar
1. The participation of the Toyota in the super marathon began long before its launch - in May 1978. At the very first poster of Dakar, when the organizers still…

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Total and Citroen: to win across continents
London-Sydney '1968 As soon as Citroen and Total signed an agreement on commercial and technological partnership in 1968, they had to pass an aptitude test in the same way as…

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engine came to life

Anarchist. We are testing a homemade “Lambo” come from the USSR

The creator of this car, Sochi Evgeniy Titsev, gave her the name “Self-race” … In the USSR, an ordinary person simply had no other way to get a sports car, except to build with his own hands. We have already talked about how the movement of home-craftsmen originated in the Union and what amazing structures were driving our roads at that time. Continue reading

Over 2 million for a hot hatch from Hyundai. Is it a lot or a little?
Where are you, those happy times, when the Russian buyer was offered a whole scattering of powerful and fast hatchbacks of a golf class for every taste and color? Irrevocably…


What happens to recycled cars?
In our country, cars "die" slowly. The average global share of the fleet disposal is 6–7% per year. And in Russia, this figure is significantly lower - 2.5%. The reason…
