Who is “more premium”: Camry, “six” or Optima?
In the last decade, the word “premium” has become very fashionable among manufacturers of various goods. It was even adopted by those brands that, it would seem, are not focused…

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Ukrainian engineers help create smart cars for drivers around the world
The car is becoming more and more like a smartphone: you can connect to Wi-Fi, receive phone calls, listen to music via Bluetooth. In addition, car security systems are becoming…

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Buying a used car
Of course, the purchase of a new car, and a used one, has its pros and cons. When you buy a new car, in almost 999 of 1000 cases you…

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front end

Toyota RAV4 regains individuality

Toyota RAV4 was originally a cheeky “upstart”, but as generations moved, it moved towards the mainstream. Step by step, she took over the bland character that was so typical of Toyotas, and in parallel with this, RAV4 overtook Camry in sales, becoming the most popular new model in 2017 in the USA, except for pickups. It looks like the result will be repeated on the basis of the results of 2018 (at the time of the publication of the data, there was no data yet – approx. Ed.). Continue reading

Mitsubishi L200: 70 years of pickup
Yes, at first there was a cross between a motorcycle and a construction car made by the now forgotten Mizushima MVW brand. The 744-cubic 15-strong “vozdushka” of the pre-war construction…


RR top manager Frank Timann: we combined 4x4 with luxury architecture
Her Majesty's subjects love their heritage, their history and traditions. And multiply them to the best of their abilities and capabilities. A spring visit to the capital of Frank Timann,…
