Renault Logan: to take or not to take?
The first generation of the Renault Logan sedans was introduced in 2004, and a year later the serial assembly of these cars began. In 2006, the presentation of the "Logan"…

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Hybrid Toyota Succeed. Who, if not she?
The Probox / Succeed family has a hybrid version. For some reason, Toyota itself, the leading figure of hybridization of vehicles, has not yet had a hybrid cargo-working "workhorse". Today,…

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Compare front cabriolets: the last ZIL and the first Aurus
From the ideological point of view, it is better to consider as the predecessor of the open Aurus not these shameful handicrafts, but real, “factory-made” ZIL cabriolets, which were made…

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The first test drive Jeep Gladiator. Yes, we liked him

Jeep has a rich history of pickups. The company introduced the model with such a body under the name Willys-Overland Pickup back in 1947. In 1957, the Jeep Forward Control truck followed it, but only in 1963 did the brand have a full-fledged J-Series Gladiator pickup truck, designed to compete with similar products from Ford and General Motors. Continue reading

Total and Citroen: half a century at the peak
In September 1968, Total and Citroen signed an agreement on commercial and technological partnership, which includes the joint development of the full range of technical fluids - from engine and…


Ukrainian engineers help create smart cars for drivers around the world
The car is becoming more and more like a smartphone: you can connect to Wi-Fi, receive phone calls, listen to music via Bluetooth. In addition, car security systems are becoming…
