10 facts about Toyota in Dakar
1. The participation of the Toyota in the super marathon began long before its launch - in May 1978. At the very first poster of Dakar, when the organizers still…

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Over 2 million for a hot hatch from Hyundai. Is it a lot or a little?
Where are you, those happy times, when the Russian buyer was offered a whole scattering of powerful and fast hatchbacks of a golf class for every taste and color? Irrevocably…

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How much does the car lose in price with age
Any car in the course of operation tends to lose its price, and this indicator will differ significantly for different cars. Choosing a new car, we often do not think…

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model of the rear suspension

The first test drive Jeep Gladiator. Yes, we liked him

Jeep has a rich history of pickups. The company introduced the model with such a body under the name Willys-Overland Pickup back in 1947. In 1957, the Jeep Forward Control truck followed it, but only in 1963 did the brand have a full-fledged J-Series Gladiator pickup truck, designed to compete with similar products from Ford and General Motors. Continue reading

RR top manager Frank Timann: we combined 4x4 with luxury architecture
Her Majesty's subjects love their heritage, their history and traditions. And multiply them to the best of their abilities and capabilities. A spring visit to the capital of Frank Timann,…


What happens to recycled cars?
In our country, cars "die" slowly. The average global share of the fleet disposal is 6–7% per year. And in Russia, this figure is significantly lower - 2.5%. The reason…
